Shopify Store Audit

Slow stores kill sales!!

One of the biggest killers of sales is a slow store. If your store is slow customers are likely to become frustrated and often times will shop somewhere else. 

Our Shopify store audit will help find what is causing your store to run slow and offer suggestions on how to improve your speed. 

Here are some of the things we do in an audit:

Image Optimization 

Images make up over 96% of all internet traffic. Current themes do a good job scaling images to the proper size, which means our task is to make your original images smaller in file size - without losing image quality. Below you can see an example of two hero images - the first one is almost 80% larger than the optimized version. 

For product images we will suggest a Shopify App to automatically scale images, homepage images will be manually optimized by the Text Connects team.


Initial Image
Initial Image – 1.63 MB - PNG


Optimized Image
Optimized Image – .33 MB - PNG

Shopify App Review

Shopify Apps are amazing, but poorly written or un-needed Apps can slow down your website. Text Connects will run a full audit of all your Shopify Apps. After our review, we will suggest apps that can be removed and the theme code excluded.

Note: Removing Apps yourself can leave code-behind in your theme files! If you remove an App, please let someone know so we can verify the code is removed as well. BOLD Apps are notorious for leaving large amounts of code behind.

Stylesheet Optimization

Your Shopify Store gains all it's look and feel from a stylesheet. These files are typically huge (file size) and take a few moments to download. We work within your stores theme to combine and shrink your stylesheet as much as possible.

Javascript Optimization

Your Store has lots of interactive elements, Add to Cart without a page refresh, Fly-out Shopping Carts, Slideshows and more. All of this interactivity is handled inside of your Javascript code. We will work within what is needed for your store to operate and reduce the size of your codebase to make items load faster.

Inline Styles

Inject critical css styles into header of site to allow for deferral of all non-critical css after page load. This allows your website to look visually correct, but reduce the initial page load time from seconds to milliseconds.

Meta PreLoad and DNS Prefetch

Using newer development techniques we use browser caching and preloading to help make secondary files download before a user even clicks a new link. Adding PreLoad and DNS Prefetch typically takes an hour or two to implement and can help gain 3-5 points on Google's Page Speed Index.