IRS Shopify Store Audits

Sorry about that scare!!!

Unless you are running your cash through the Cayman Islands, you’re probably safe. [Editor's note: that’s Text Connects, not Tax Connects. Text Connects and its affiliates do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. We use, as they say in Breaking Bad, “The Quicken” for everything.]

Now, if you have ever wanted to take the pulse of your Shopify Store and get a real arms-around assessment of how your store is performing, then you have come to the right place.

Text Connects now offers a comprehensive Store Audit for any Shopify Store you have. It’s a soup-to-nuts audit that includes:

  • Across-the-board UX review
  • Text-Connects-codified Quality Assurance (QA) test
  • Review of Shopify e-commerce Best Practices
  • Google Analytics Review
  • Optional:
    • Install Microsoft Clarity and review all interaction data after one week
  • What will your takeaways be from the Store Audit?
    • Suggestions to consider after Audit completed
    • Prioritized action items (easy lifts vs. hard lifts)

While some of the processes we utilize in the Store Audit are automated, this report is based directly on your store. Not cookie cutter (or Chat-GPT-generated) advice. We take our time to make sure this “bespoke” audit is on point and driven by our collective years of successful experience in working with more than 300 Shopify Stores. Need a bit more convincing? Take a look at a sample report we’ve created for your review here.

Want to get a Store Audit started or learn more? Just pop us a quick message here and we’ll be in touch soon.